
FabreWhiteWeaponASPD + 60

FamiliarWhiteWeaponM.ATK +30
M.PEN +30

Female Thief BugWhiteWeaponCrit +60

RockerWhiteWeaponHP +4.800

Savage BebeWhiteWeaponM.ATK +30
Bonus +30

WolfBlueWeaponFinal ASPD +40%

CaramelWhiteWeaponM.ATK +60
M.PEN +60

HydraWhiteWeaponM.ATK +120

PlanktonWhiteWeaponM.ATK +60

VadonBlueWeaponATK +3%
Final DMG Bonus +3%

MarinaBlueWeaponATK +6%

DeviaceBlueWeaponDamage to small monsters +10%

Goblin ArcherBlueWeaponDamage to insect monsters +12.5%

Goblin SteamriderBlueWeaponDamage to dragon monsters +12.5%

HornWhiteWeaponASPD +120

FloraWhiteWeaponM.ATK +60
Bonus +120

Pecopeco EggWhiteWeaponHaste +60
AndreBlueWeaponATK +3%
Final PEN +3%

DrainliarWhiteWeaponATK +60

Desert WolfBlueWeaponM.ATK +3%
Final M.DMG Bonus +3%

ScorpionBlueWeaponFinal ASPD +30%

SkeletonBlueWeaponDamage to large monsters +10%

Archer SkeletonBlueWeaponM.ATK +3%
Final M.PEN +3%

MinorousBlueWeaponM.ATK +6%

Side WinderBlueWeaponFinal Haste +3%

MagnoliaBlueWeaponFinal Crit +6%

Orc LadyBlueWeaponDamage to Demi Human monsters +12.5%

Orc SkeletonBlueWeaponDamage to Demon monsters +12.5%

ZenorcBlueWeaponDamage to Undead monsters +12.5%

Hunter FlyWhiteWeaponATK +60
Material damage bonus +120

Rotar ZairoBlueWeaponDamage to Animal monsters +12.5%

Skeleton WorkerWhiteWeaponCrit +120

Ground PetiteBlueWeapon​Damage to Invisible monsters +12.5%

RequiemBlueWeaponEarth Attribute Enhancement +10%
Fire Attribute Enhancement +10%

SnakeBlueWeaponGhost Attribute Enhancement +10%
Poison Attribute Enhancement +10%

Dagger-Wielding Skeleton PirateWhiteWeaponHaste +120

Kobold ArcherBlueWeaponDamage to Fish and Shell monsters +12.5%
Ambernite CardAmberniteWhiteWeaponATK +30
PEN +30

ArgosWhiteWeaponATK +60
PEN +60
ArclouzeBlueWeaponWater Attribute Enhancement +10%
Wind Attribute Enhancement +10%

BigfootBlueWeaponHoly Attribute Enhancement +10%
Neutral Attribute Enhancement +10%

MunakBlueWeaponDamage to Medium monsters +10%
AnubisBlueWeaponFinal Crit +8%

HornetWhiteWeaponATK +30
Material damage bonus +30

LunaticWhiteHeadgearM.ATK +60

MandragoraWhiteHeadgearDamage bonus +60

DropsWhiteHeadgearPEN +60

MummyBlueHeadgearFinal M.PEN +6%
Anacondaq CardAnacondaqWhiteHeadgearDamage bonus +240

Dead PlanktonWhiteHeadgearPEN +120

PiereBlueHeadgearM.ATK +6%

Flail-Wielding GoblinBlueHeadgearCurse resistance +30%

Mace-Wielding KoboldBlueHeadgearBleeding resistance +30%

Mace-Wielding GoblinBlueHeadgearPoison resistance +30%

Hammer-Wielding GoblinBlueHeadgearArmor damage resistance +30%

Axe-Wielding GoblinBlueHeadgearVariable Cooldown-1 second

PoringWhiteHeadgearATK +60

GrasshopperWhiteHeadgearDamage bonus +60

VeritBlueHeadgearFinal M.DMG Bonus +6%

WillowWhiteHeadgearM.PEN +60

CocoWhiteHeadgearM.ATK +120

StainerWhiteHeadgearATK +120

GiearthWhiteHeadgearDamage bonus +240

GhoulBlueHeadgearVariable channeling-0.25 seconds

Elder WillowBlueHeadgearDarkness resistance +30%

DeviruchiBlueHeadgearBonus Heal Received +10%

NightmareBlueHeadgearRecover HP +5% every 5 seconds

MardukBlueHeadgearFinal DMG Bonus +6%

MartinWhiteHeadgearM.PEN +120

DeniroBlueHeadgearFinal PEN +6%
Ant LarvaBlueHeadgearATK +6%

Orc WarriorBlueHeadgearWeapon damage resistance +30%

MetallerWhiteArmorATK +120

PickyWhiteArmorHP +1.200

Roda FrogWhiteArmorDEF +120

SwordfishBlueArmorFinal M.DEF +6%

MarcBlueArmorDamage From Fire monsters -10%
Damage From Ghost monsters -10%
Damage From Earth monsters -10%

ArgiopeBlueArmorFinal DEF +6%

Steel ChonchonWhiteArmorM.DEF +60

SavageWhiteArmorM.DEF +120

DokebiBlueArmorDamaged From Water monsters -10%
Damage From Undead monsters -10%
Damage From Poison monsters -10%

Picky ShellWhiteArmorDEF +60

SasquatchBlueArmorMax HP +12%

PasanaBlueArmorDamage From Neutral monsters -10%
Damage From Shadow monsters -10%
Damage From Wind monsters -10%

High OrcBlueArmorFinal M.DEF +10%

Sky PetiteBlueArmorMax HP +20%

PupaWhiteCloaKHP +1.200

Thief BugWhiteCloaKDamage reduction +60

WhisperWhiteCloaKDamage reduction +240

MarseBlueCloaKFinal M.DMG RES +6%

CondorWhiteCloaKDamage Reduction +60

HodeBlueCloaKMax HP +12%

FrilldoraBlueCloaKFinal Damage Reduction +6%

Nine TailBlueCloaKDamage from Demon monsters -10%
Damaged From Fish monsters -10%
Damage From Dragon monsters -10%

Orc ZombieBlueCloaKDamage From Formless monsters -10%
Damage From Demi Human monsters -10%
Damage From Plant monsters -10%

JakkBlueCloaKDamaged From Insect monsters -10%
Damage From Undead monsters -10%
Damaged From Brute monsters -10%

MarionetteBlueCloaKMax HP +20%

MystWhiteCloaKDamage reduction +240

Bapho Jr.BlueCloaKFinal M.DMG RES +10%

DustinessWhiteCloaKHP +4.800

Axe-Wielding Skeleton PirateWhiteShoesDEF +60
Material injury reduction +120

Dagger-Wielding GoblinBlueShoesMax HP +20%

Axe-Wielding KoboldBlueShoesFinal M.DEF +5%
Final M.DMG RES +5%

CornutusBlueShoesFinal DEF +3%
Final DMG RES +3%

PecopecoWhiteShoesM.DEF +60
Damage reduction +120

Baby Desert WolfWhiteShoesM.DEF +30
Damage reduction +30

IsisBlueShoesFinal M.DEF +3%
Final M.DMG RES +3%

Male Thief BugWhiteShoesDEF +30
Damage reduction +30

ChonchonWhiteShoesHP +1.200

MatyrBlueShoesMax HP +12%

ZombieWhiteShoesHP +4.800

EggyraBlueShoesDamage by Medium monsters -10%

SoheeBlueShoesDamage by Large monsters -10%

Skeleton GeneralBlueShoesDamage by Small monsters -10%

GolemBlueAccessoriesFinal ASPD +30%

Soldier SkeletonBlueAccessoriesFinal Haste +3%

Hammer-Wielding KoboldBlueAccessoriesPhysical Lifesteal +10%

Orc BabyBlueAccessoriesSilence resistance +30%

TarouWhiteAccessoriesHaste +60

SporeWhiteAccessoriesPEN +60

YoyoWhiteAccessoriesPEN +120

PoporingWhiteAccessoriesM.PEN +60

SmokieWhiteAccessoriesASPD +120

CreamyWhiteAccessoriesDamage Bonus +60

KukreWhiteAccessoriesHaste +120

Poison SporeWhiteAccessoriesDamage bonus +60

Pirate SkeletonWhiteAccessoriesM.PEN +120

PhenBlueAccessoriesFinal M.PEN +6%

Marine SphereBlueAccessoriesFinal DMG Bonus +6%

ObeauneBlueAccessoriesStun resistance +30%

MantisWhiteAccessoriesM.Damage bonus +240

MukaWhiteAccessoriesDamage bonus +240

Greatest GeneralBlueAccessoriesPetrochemical resistance +30%

HorongBlueAccessoriesSleep resistance +30%

WormtailBlueAccessoriesFreezing resistance +30%

BongunBlueAccessoriesRoot resistance +30%

Orc ArcherBlueAccessoriesMagic Lifesteal +10%

ZeromBlueAccessoriesFinal M.DMG Bonus +6%

VitataBlueAccessoriesFinal PEN +6%
Can Use Lv.1 [Heal]. SP cost of all skills is increased by 25%. (This effect doesnt stack.)

Wind GhostBlueAccessoriesM.REF DMG +10%

WraithBlueAccessoriesCritical Damage reduction +20%

Thief Bug EggWhiteAccessoriesASPD +60
Angeling Card NightAngeling NightGoldWeaponATK +15%
Angeling Card VoidAngeling VoidGoldAccessoriesMAX SP +15%
Angeling Card DayAngeling DayGoldArmorFinal P.Def +15%
Deviling Card DayDeviling DayGoldCloakFinal M.DMG RES +15%
Deviling Card NightDeviling NightGoldWeaponATK +7.5%
Deviling Card VoidDeviling VoidGoldHeadgearNegative stats resistance +15%
Dracula Card DayDracula DayGoldCloakMax HP+30%
Dracula Card VoidDracula VoidGoldWeaponFinal Crit +15%
Dragon Fly Card DayDragon Fly DayGoldArmorNeutral Damage taken -15%
Dark Damage taken -15%
Wind Damage taken -15%
Dragon Fly Card NightDragon Fly NightGoldWeaponGhost Attribute increased by +15%
Poison Attribute increased by +15%
Dragon Fly Card VoidDragon Fly VoidGoldHeadgearM.Atk +12%
Drake Card DayDrake DayGoldHeadgearEarth damage +15% Fire Attribute increased by +15%
Deals 100% damage ti Large, Medium, and Small monsters.
(When this card is equipped,
other size-based damage enhancement effects will become invalid.)
Drake Card NightDrake NightGoldShield+15% for earth attributes and +15% for fire attributes,
causing 100% damage to large, medium, and small monsters
Drake Card VoidDrake VoidGoldAccessoriesFinal Haste +6%
Eclipse Card DayEclipse DayGoldCloakFinal M.PEN +12%
Eclipse Card NightEclipse NightGoldHeadgearDamage by small size -15
Grants a permanent Endure status
Max HP -25%
Eclipse Card VoidEclipse VoidGoldAccessoriesFinal DMG Bonus +12%
Eddga Card DayEddga DayGoldShoesDamage by small size -15
Grants a permanent Endure status
Max HP -25%
Eddga Card NightEddga NightGoldHeadwearFinal M.DMG Bonus +12%
Eddga Card VoidEddga VoidGoldWeaponDamage to small size +15%
Ghostring Card DayGhostring DayGoldArmorFire Damage taken -15
Ghost Damage taken -15%
Earth Damage takens -15%
Ghostring Card NightGhostring NightGoldShieldFinal Aspd +60%
Ghostring Card VoidGhostring VoidGoldShoesTake Damage from large size -15%
Golden Thief Bug Card DayGolden Thief Bug DayGoldShieldWater Attribute Enhancement +15%
Wind Attribute Enhancement +15%
40% chance to be immune to magic skills.
Skill SP cost is increased by 50%.
(this effect cannot stack and cannot be used in PVP)
Golden Thief Bug Card VoidGolden Thief Bug VoidGoldAccesoriesFinal Aspd +60%
King Dramoh Card DayKing Dramoh DayGoldHeadgearDebuff Duration RES +18.75%
King Dramoh Card NightKing Dramoh NightGoldShoesFinal DEF +7.5
Final DMG RES +7.5%
King Dramoh Card VoidKing Dramoh VoidGoldAccesoriesPhysical lifesteal +15%
Kraken Card DayKraken DayGoldCloakDamage from Insect Mobs -15%
Damage from Undead Mobs -15%
Damage from Brute Mobs -15%
Kraken Card NightKraken NightGoldWeaponDamage to medium size +15%
Kraken Card VoidKraken VoidGoldAccesoriesFinal M.DMG +12%
Mastering Card DayMastering DayGoldCloakDamage from Formless Mobs -15%
Damage from Demi-Human Mobs -15%
Damage from Plant Mobs -15%
Mastering Card NightMastering NightGoldHeadgearFinal PEN +12%
Mastering Card VoidMastering VoidGoldAccesoriesFinal DMG +12%
Maya Card DayMaya DayGoldShieldM.Atk +7.5%
Final M.PEN +7.5%
Maya Card NightMaya NightGoldHeadgearMagic Rebound +15%
Maya Card VoidMaya VoidGoldAccesoriesReceive Treatment Bonus +15%
Mistress Card DayMistress DayGoldHeadgearFinal M.PEN +12%
When casting a skill that consumes Blue Gemstones,
you have a 50% chance to cast it without consuming one.
(This effect cannot be stacked.)
Mistress Card NightMistress NightGoldweaponFinal Crit +12%
Mistress Card VoidMistress VoidGoldShoesDamage from Medium size -15%
Moonlight Flower Card DayMoonlight Flower DayGoldShoesMax HP+30%
Movement Speed +25%
Moonlight Flower Card VoidMoonlight Flower VoidGoldWeaponFinal Haste +7.5%
Orc Hero Card DayOrc Hero DayGoldHeadgearHealing bonus +15%
Immune to Stun
Orc Hero Card NightOrc Hero NightGoldShoesFinal M.Def +7.5%
Final M.DMG RES +7.5%
Orc Hero Card VoidOrc Hero VoidGoldAccesoriesCrit DMG +15%
Orc Lord Card DayOrc Lord DayGoldArmorFinal M.Def +15%
Orc Lord Card NightOrc Lord NightGoldWeaponM.Atk +15%
Orc Lord Card VoidOrc Lord VoidGoldHeadgearMaximum SP recovery +15%
Osiris Card DayOsiris DayGoldAccesoriesFinal PEN +12%
Osiris Card VoidOsiris VoidGoldWeaponHoly Damage +15%
Neutral Damage +15%
Pharaoh Card DayPharaoh DayGoldHeadgearBonus Heal Received +15%
Pharaoh Card NightPharaoh NightGoldWeaponM.Atk +7.5%
Final M.DMG Bonus +7.5%
Pharaoh Card VoidPharaoh VoidGoldAccesoriesCrit DMG RES +15%
Phreeoni Card DayPhreeoni DayGoldWeapon+15% Damage to Large size
Phreeoni Card NightPhreeoni NightGoldArmorWater Damage taken -15%
Damage from Undead -15%
Poison Damage taken -15%
Phreeoni Card VoidPhreeoni VoidGoldHeadgearFinal DMG Bonus +12%
Strouf Card DayStrouf DayGoldArmorMax HP+30%
Strouf Card VoidStrouf VoidGoldWeaponFinal Aspd +75%
Toad Card DayToad DayGoldCloakFinal DMG RES +15%
Toad Card NightToad NightGoldWeaponATK +7.5%
Final PEN +7.5%
Toad Card VoidToad VoidGoldAccesoriesPhysical Reflect +15%